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* devSCSIRobot.h --
* Definitions for the Exabyte EXB-120 robot on the SCSI I/O bus.
* Copyright 1992 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* $Header: /cdrom/src/kernel/Cvsroot/kernel/dev/devSCSIRobot.h,v 9.5 92/03/06 15:07:01 mani Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#include <dev/robot.h>
#include <scsiDevice.h>
typedef struct ScsiExbRobot {
ScsiDevice *devPtr; /* SCSI Device we have attached. */
int state; /* State bits used to determine if it's
* open, really exists, etc. */
unsigned int chmAddr; /* Address of the robot arm itself.*/
char *name; /* Type name of robot device. */
} ScsiExbRobot;
* Robot state:
* SCSI_ROBOT_CLOSED The device file is not open.
* SCSI_ROBOT_OPEN The device file is open.
#define SCSI_ROBOT_OPEN 0x1
* The robot returns 18 bytes of sense.
* Data Structures pertaining to the SCSI Mode Select command.
typedef struct ExbRobotModeSelVendorUnique {
unsigned char reserved :2;
unsigned char pageCode :6; /* Identifies the vendor unique
* parameter list. Must be 0x0. */
unsigned char paramListLength; /* Length of the vendor unique
* parameter list. It is equal to
* 62. */
unsigned char aInit :1; /* 0 == Perform INITIALIZE ELEMENT
* STATUS (0xE7) only when the
* command is issued.
* STATUS after power-up. */
unsigned char uInit :1; /* 0 == Do not perform INIT ELEMENT
* STATUS on a cartridge each time
* it is handled by the CHM.
* each time. */
unsigned char parity :1; /* 0 == Enable SCSI bus parity checking.
* 1 == Disable SCSI bus parity checking. */
unsigned char reserved2 :2;
unsigned char notReadyDispCntrl:1; /* 0 == "Not ready" message
* is flashing.
* 1 == Message is steady. */
unsigned char mesgDispCntrl :2; /* Determines how displayMessage
* is displayed.
* 0 == Flashing 8-char display.
* 1 == Steady 8-char display.
* 2 == Scrolling display (up to 60 chars). */
unsigned char reserved3;
char displayMessage[60]; /* Specifies the ready message that
* appears on the operator display when
* the robot is ready for operation. */
unsigned char pageCode :6; /* Identifies the vendor unique
* parameter list. Must be 0x0. */
unsigned char reserved :2;
unsigned char paramListLength; /* Length of the vendor unique
* parameter list. It is equal to
* 62. */
unsigned char mesgDispCntrl :2; /* Determines how displayMessage
* is displayed.
* 0 == Flashing 8-char display.
* 1 == Steady 8-char display.
* 2 == Scrolling display (up to 60 chars). */
unsigned char notReadyDispCntrl :1; /* 0 == "Not ready" message
* is flashing.
* 1 == Message is steady. */
unsigned char reserved2 :2;
unsigned char parity :1; /* 0 == Enable SCSI bus parity checking.
* 1 == Disable SCSI bus parity checking. */
unsigned char uInit :1; /* 0 == Do not perform INIT ELEMENT
* STATUS on a cartridge each time
* it is handled by the CHM.
* each time. */
unsigned char aInit :1; /* 0 == Perform INITIALIZE ELEMENT
* STATUS (0xE7) only when the
* command is issued.
* STATUS after power-up. */
unsigned char reserved3;
char displayMessage[60]; /* Specifies the ready message that
* appears on the operator display when
* the robot is ready for operation. */
} ExbRobotModeSelVendorUnique;
typedef struct ExbRobotAddrAssignPg {
unsigned char reserved1 :2;
unsigned char pageCode :6; /* Identifies the element address
* assignment parameter list. The
* value of this field must by 0x1d
* (for exb-120).
unsigned char pageCode :6;
unsigned char reserved1 :2;
unsigned char paramListLength; /* Length of the element address
* assignment parameter list. The
* valid value for this field is
* 0x12, which indicates that there
* are an additional 18 bytes of
* parameter data that follow this
* byte.
unsigned char transportElemAddr[2]; /* Address of the transport
* mechanism.
unsigned char transportElemCount[2];/* Number of such mechanisms. The
* EXB-120 only has 1.
unsigned char firstStorElemAddr[2]; /* Address of the first tape position. */
unsigned char storElemCount[2]; /* Number of such elements. */
unsigned char firstEePortAddr[2];
unsigned char eePortAddrCount[2]; /* Self-explanatory. */
unsigned char firstDriveAddr[2]; /* Address of the first data transfer
* element (i.e., tape drive).
unsigned char driveCount[2]; /* Number of such drives. */
unsigned char reserved2[2];
} ExbRobotAddrAssignPg;
typedef struct ExbRobotModeSelectData {
unsigned char header[4]; /* Reserved */
ExbRobotModeSelVendorUnique vendorUnique;
} ExbRobotModeSelectData;
typedef struct ModeSenseCommand {
unsigned char command; /* 0x1a for Mode Sense. */
unsigned char unitNumber :3; /* Logical Unit Number to which to
* pass the command. */
unsigned char reserved :1;
unsigned char disableBlkDescrptr:1; /* Not used on Exabyte EXB-120. */
unsigned char reserved2 :3;
unsigned char pageControl :2; /* Defines the type of parameters
* that are to be returned.
* 0 == Current values.
* 1 == Values which as changeable.
* 2 == Default values.
* 3 == Saved values. */
unsigned char pageCode :6; /* Specifies which pages are to be
* returned.
* 0x1d == Element Address Assgnmt Pg.
* 0x1e == Transport Geometry Pg.
* 0x1f == Device Capabilities Pg.
* 0x0 == Vendor Unique Pg.
* 0x3f == All pages (in the above order). */
unsigned char reserved3;
unsigned char allocLength; /* Specifies the maximum length
* of the parameter list to be
* returned. Max == 112 (0x70). */
unsigned char vendorUnique :2;
unsigned char reserved4 :4;
unsigned char flag :1; /* Interrupt after linked command. */
unsigned char link :1; /* Another command follows. */
unsigned char command; /* 0x1a for Mode Sense. */
unsigned char reserved2 :3;
unsigned char disableBlkDescrptr:1; /* Not used on Exabyte EXB-120. */
unsigned char reserved :1;
unsigned char unitNumber :3; /* Logical Unit Number to which to
* pass the command. */
unsigned char pageCode :6; /* Specifies which pages are to be
* returned.
* 0x1d == Element Address Assgnmt Pg.
* 0x1e == Transport Geometry Pg.
* 0x1f == Device Capabilities Pg.
* 0x0 == Vendor Unique Pg.
* 0x3f == All pages (in the above order). */
unsigned char pageControl :2; /* Defines the type of parameters
* that are to be returned.
* 0 == Current values.
* 1 == Values which as changeable.
* 2 == Default values.
* 3 == Saved values. */
unsigned char reserved3;
unsigned char allocLength; /* Specifies the maximum length
* of the parameter list to be
* returned. Max == 112 (0x70). */
unsigned char link :1; /* Another command follows. */
unsigned char flag :1; /* Interrupt after linked command. */
unsigned char reserved4 :4;
unsigned char vendorUnique :2;
} ModeSenseCommand;
typedef struct MoveMediumCommand {
unsigned char command;
unsigned char unitNumber :3;
unsigned char reserved :5;
unsigned char transpElemAddr[2];
unsigned char sourceAddr[2];
unsigned char destAddr[2];
unsigned char reserved2[2];
unsigned char reserved3 :7;
unsigned char invert :1;
unsigned char eePos :2;
unsigned char reserved4 :4;
unsigned char finalBits :2; /* These are fixed at 0. */
unsigned char command;
unsigned char reserved :5;
unsigned char unitNumber :3;
unsigned char transpElemAddr[2];
unsigned char sourceAddr[2];
unsigned char destAddr[2];
unsigned char reserved2[2];
unsigned char invert :1;
unsigned char reserved3 :7;
unsigned char finalBits :2; /* These are fixed at 0. */
unsigned char reserved4 :4;
unsigned char eePos :2;
} MoveMediumCommand;
typedef struct PositionRobotCommand {
unsigned char command;
unsigned char unitNumber :3;
unsigned char reserved :5;
unsigned char transpElemAddr[2];
unsigned char destAddr[2];
unsigned char reserved2[2];
unsigned char reserved3 :7;
unsigned char invert :1;
unsigned char reserved4;
unsigned char command;
unsigned char reserved :5;
unsigned char unitNumber :3;
unsigned char transpElemAddr[2];
unsigned char destAddr[2];
unsigned char reserved2[2];
unsigned char invert :1;
unsigned char reserved3 :7;
unsigned char reserved4;
} PositionRobotCommand;
typedef struct ReadElemStatCommand {
unsigned char command; /* 0xb8 for this Command. */
unsigned char unitNumber :3; /* Logical Unit Number to which to
* pass the command. */
unsigned char volTag :1; /* 0 == don't report volume tag info.
* 1 == do report it. */
unsigned char elemTypeCode :4; /* 0 == report all types.
* 1 == report transport elements.
* 2 == report storage elements.
* 3 == report entry/exit elements.
* 4 == report data transfer elements. */
unsigned char startElemAddr[2]; /* Min elem address to report. */
unsigned char numElements[2]; /* Max number of descriptors to
* be transferred. */
unsigned char reserved1;
unsigned char allocLength[3]; /* Bytes of space allocated
* for data. */
unsigned char vendorUnique :2; /* Vendor Unique bits. */
unsigned char reserved3 :4;
unsigned char flag :1; /* Interrupt after linked command. */
unsigned char link :1; /* Another command follows. */
unsigned char command; /* 0xb8 for this Command. */
unsigned char elemTypeCode :4; /* 0 == report all types.
* 1 == report transport elements.
* 2 == report storage elements.
* 3 == report entry/exit elements.
* 4 == report data transfer elements. */
unsigned char volTag :1; /* 0 == don't report volume tag info.
* 1 == do report it. */
unsigned char unitNumber :3; /* Logical Unit Number to which to
* pass the command. */
unsigned char startElemAddr[2]; /* Min elem address to report. */
unsigned char numElements[2]; /* Max number of descriptors to
* be transferred. */
unsigned char reserved1;
unsigned char allocLength[3]; /* Bytes of space allocated
* for data. */
unsigned char link :1; /* Another command follows. */
unsigned char flag :1; /* Interrupt after linked command. */
unsigned char reserved2 :4;
unsigned char vendorUnique :2; /* Vendor Unique bits. */
} ReadElemStatCommand;
typedef struct InitElemStatCommand {
unsigned char command; /* 0xe7 for this Command. */
unsigned char unitNumber :3; /* Logical Unit Number to which to
* pass the command. */
unsigned char reserved1 :4;
unsigned char range :1; /* 0 == init all elements.
* 1 == init elements specified. */
unsigned char elemAddr[2]; /* Specifies starting address
* of the series of elements
* to be scanned. Ignored when
* range == 0. */
unsigned char reserved2[2];
unsigned char numElements[2]; /* Maximum number of elements
* to be scanned. ignored when
* range == 0. */
unsigned char reserved3[2];
unsigned char command; /* 0xe7 for this Command. */
unsigned char range :1; /* 0 == init all elements.
* 1 == init elements specified. */
unsigned char reserved1 :4;
unsigned char unitNumber :3; /* Logical Unit Number to which to
* pass the command. */
unsigned char elemAddr[2]; /* Specifies starting address
* of the series of elements
* to be scanned. Ignored when
* range == 0. */
unsigned char reserved2[2];
unsigned char numElements[2]; /* Maximum number of elements
* to be scanned. ignored when
* range == 0. */
unsigned char reserved3[2];
} InitElemStatCommand;
/* Function Prototypes */
extern ReturnStatus DevSCSIExbRobotError _ARGS_((ScsiDevice *devPtr,
ScsiCmd *scsiCmdPtr));
extern ReturnStatus DevSCSIExbRobotOpen _ARGS_((Fs_Device *devicePtr,
int useFlags, Fs_NotifyToken token, int *flagsPtr));
extern ReturnStatus DevSCSIExbRobotClose _ARGS_((Fs_Device *devicePtr,
int useFlags, int openCount, int writerCount));
extern ReturnStatus DevSCSIExbRobotIOControl _ARGS_((Fs_Device *devicePtr,
Fs_IOCParam *ioctlPtr, Fs_IOReply *replyPtr));
extern void ExbRobotInitElemStatus _ARGS_((ScsiCmd *scsiRobotCmdPtr,
Dev_RobotCommand *cmdPtr));
extern void ExbRobotInquiry _ARGS_((ScsiCmd *scsiRobotCmdPtr,
ExbRobotInquiryData *inquiryDataPtr));
extern void ExbModeSelect _ARGS_((ScsiCmd *scsiRobotCmdPtr,
Dev_RobotCommand *cmdPtr, Address dataPtr,
unsigned int dataLength));
extern void ExbMoveMedium _ARGS_((ScsiCmd *scsiRobotCmdPtr,
ScsiExbRobot *robotPtr, Dev_RobotCommand *cmdPtr));
extern void ExbPosElem _ARGS_((ScsiCmd *scsiRobotCmdPtr,
ScsiExbRobot *robotPtr, Dev_RobotCommand *cmdPtr));
extern void ExbPrevRemoval _ARGS_((ScsiCmd *scsiRobotCmdPtr,
Dev_RobotCommand *cmdPtr));
extern void ExbReqSense _ARGS_((ScsiCmd *scsiRobotCmdPtr,
ExbRobotSenseData *senseDataPtr));
#endif /* _SCSIEXBROBOT */